We’re happy to have you back here at the Pathway Blog! Few things make us happier than encountering a positive, healthy workplace. Seeing people working happily on their tasks and feeling comfortable with the people they work with and for is a special experience, and we’d love to be able to see it more often!…
Few things make us happier than seeing creativity and innovation in the workplace, especially in corporate settings! And one of the best places to see that happening is in brainstorming sessions. Whether it’s a monthly meeting or the launch of a new campaign, bringing your team together to come up with new ideas for the…
It’s another lovely day here on the Pathway Design Group blog, and we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and talk about something fun: your team’s talent! The wonderful thing about humans is that we are all talented in different ways. And when leveraged with strategy and care, these talents can pay off in big…
Welcome back to the Pathway blog! We hope you’ve been faring well throughout this long, frigid winter, and that perhaps these little glimpses of Spring are bringing some hope and lightness to your days. Today’s post is focused on a topic designed to improve the atmosphere of your workplace and the motivation of your team:…
Why Strengths Based Leadership Is Needed Now More Than Ever Here at Pathway Design Group, we’re big believers in what we call “Strengths Based Leadership.” A highly-simplified way to define that could be, “Investing in strengths rather than focusing on weakness in order to ensure success.” We get it – that’s a little vague, but…
Hello again! We hope this blog post finds you healthy and as well as can be right now! Life has been a combination of stressful upheaval and moments of joy — a combination we can always depend on even in the strangest of times. We’re thankful that you’re here reading our thoughts in whatever quiet…
Welcome back to the Pathway Blog! Today we’re talking about something that plays a big part in a successful, cohesive workplace: the StrengthsFinder assessment. This is one of our favorite things to talk about and plays a major role in our Leadership University program. If you have further questions about how the StrengthsFinder assessment can…