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Tag: human capital consulting

Celebrating National Disability Independence Day: The ADA’s Impact on Human Resources and Human Capital

Every year on July 26th, we celebrate National Disability Independence Day, commemorating the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. This landmark legislation has profoundly transformed the landscape of human resources (HR) and human capital management, including our practices at Pathway Design Group. Understanding the ADA The ADA was enacted to ensure…

Building Trust in the Workplace

It’s time again to tackle a hot topic in HR and Human Capital Management here on the Pathway Blog! We’re happy to have you here.  This topic, while currently popular in HR circles, is one that is truly timeless. We want to talk about building trust with your team members in the workplace.  Building genuine…

Tips for Encouraging Employee Engagement

We all want our workplaces to be efficient, right? We want tasks completed on-time and well, and we hope that the environment is as pleasant as possible.  An efficient workplace is definitely a nice goal to work for, but we’d like to offer another way to look at it. What if you aimed for an…

Practical Ways to Stop Procrastinating

We thought we’d mix things up a bit here and share some tips that are likely to be helpful to everyone, regardless of where they’re at in their careers.  Let’s tackle procrastination! Procrastination is a fairly common habit among each of the different demographics, and with abundant technology at our fingertips, there’s no shortage of…

How to Make Hybrid Meetings Engaging

We’re happy to have you back here on the blog! It’s a busy time of year — one where it often feels like we’re balancing 10 different plates at the same time — and we hope this blog post finds you managing your schedule as best you can.  In an effort to help you balance…

The Benefits of Investing in Employee Education

Today, we’re talking about employee education and development. Is it something you should invest in? Why?  We’re here to tell you that, yes, if your organization can afford to invest in the further education and development of your staff, it’s a great idea to do so. It’s important to clarify that we’re referring to more…

5 Characteristics of Successful Managers

We’re happy to have you back here at the Pathway Blog! Few things make us happier than encountering a positive, healthy workplace. Seeing people working happily on their tasks and feeling comfortable with the people they work with and for is a special experience, and we’d love to be able to see it more often!…

Productivity Hacks to Help Boost Efficiency and Self-Esteem

We’re back here at the Pathway Blog, and we’re so happy to have you with us!  We thought it might be helpful and fun to take a look at productivity techniques today and explore the ways they can help the different types of workers within your organization or workplace.  Morale in the workplace can be…

How to Help a Struggling Employee

Today we want to turn things, as we often do, back around to one of our favorite words: Empathy! Everyone goes through rough patches at work. Whether duties get more difficult, motivation levels change, or outside factors interfere with performance, it can cause a variety of problems for a variety of different people. So how…

How to Brainstorm Productively

Few things make us happier than seeing creativity and innovation in the workplace, especially in corporate settings! And one of the best places to see that happening is in brainstorming sessions. Whether it’s a monthly meeting or the launch of a new campaign, bringing your team together to come up with new ideas for the…