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Tag: company culture

Building Resilience In the Workplace

Welcome back to the Pathway Blog! We’re happy to have you here, and we’re looking forward to discussing something we find incredibly important when it comes to the health of your workplace:  Resilience. Webster’s Dictionary defines “resilience” as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” You can probably see how…

Tips for Running an Effective Meeting

Welcome back to the Pathway Blog, we’re happy to have you here! Today we’re tackling a pretty interesting topic in the world of HR: Meetings! We’re sure you’ve probably seen or heard the phrase, “This could have been an email!” floating around in regard to meetings. It’s been around for a while, and we’ve got to…

How Company Culture Affects Hiring

Welcome back to the Pathway Blog! We’re happy to have you here and, as always, happy to talk about HR and human capital topics that can help your organization succeed.  This time, we’re talking about company, or organizational, culture. What exactly does that mean? What kind of company culture does your organization have? And how…