We all want our workplaces to be efficient, right? We want tasks completed on-time and well, and we hope that the environment is as pleasant as possible. An efficient workplace is definitely a nice goal to work for, but we’d like to offer another way to look at it. What if you aimed for an…
We’re back here at the Pathway Blog, and we’re so happy to have you with us! We thought it might be helpful and fun to take a look at productivity techniques today and explore the ways they can help the different types of workers within your organization or workplace. Morale in the workplace can be…
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to hire a team so compatible that you never had any conflicts between team members or employees? While you can make hiring to fit a priority, the truth is that your organization is going to run into conflicts no matter what, and the best way to deal with…
Welcome back to the Pathway Blog! We’re excited to talk about this topic today – you might be surprised by how relevant it feels! One of the most interesting phenomenon that has evolved from the digital age we’re living in is the evolution of words and terms that become quickly accepted by the world at…
Why Strengths Based Leadership Is Needed Now More Than Ever Here at Pathway Design Group, we’re big believers in what we call “Strengths Based Leadership.” A highly-simplified way to define that could be, “Investing in strengths rather than focusing on weakness in order to ensure success.” We get it – that’s a little vague, but…
Welcome back! How have these first two months of the year been treating you? We ask because we know that in leadership while kicking off the year can be energizing and productive, it can also be stressful. So, we’re checking in to let you know that leadership is hard, and that it’s okay to feel…
It’s so great to have you back! Our last blog post centered around motivation, the 3rd theme in our emotional intelligence (EQ) series. This week, we’re thrilled to chat with you all about the 4th theme: Empathy. Martha: This 4th theme, empathy, is one of my personal favorites. In all our work with Myers Briggs…
What is Leadership University? Leadership University is an investment into you and your organization’s future! This immersive monthly leadership program is dedicated to forging an environment where growth occurs; relationships are grown; leadership skills are strengthened; and information and tools are shared, discussed, and communicated. DEVELOP a well-cultivated self awareness – the cornerstone of an exceptional…
What is Leadership University? Leadership University is an investment into you and your organization’s future! This immersive 11 month leadership program is dedicated to forging an environment where growth occurs; relationships are grown; leadership skills are strengthened; and information and tools are shared, discussed, and communicated. DEVELOP a well-cultivated self awareness – the cornerstone of an…