Welcome back to the Pathway Blog! We’re happy to have you here and, as always, happy to talk about HR and human capital topics that can help your organization succeed. This time, we’re talking about company, or organizational, culture. What exactly does that mean? What kind of company culture does your organization have? And how…
Welcome back! It’s not exactly revolutionary to say that the pandemic changed a lot of things about workplace life… but it continues to prove true. One thing that has become increasingly more obvious to workplace professionals is that the old ways of hiring are becoming less and less successful and that a new approach has…
Welcome back! We’re excited to continue down the behavioral interview process path with you today! If you’ve been following along, you’ll know we’ve already discussed why it’s so important to implement a thoughtful, deliberate interview process by highlighting the true cost of a bad hire. We then made sure to “check our packs,” by ensuring that…
Hello, again! Last time we met on the blog, we talked about the cost of a bad hire and how it can affect your organization as a whole. That cost is not just financial, either — in addition to costing your company a staggering amount of money, the damage to morale, efficiency, and motivation can take…
In the big, bustling world of business, taking the time to hone and revamp your interview process might seem like a luxury. You might ask, “Who has time to reevaluate something that’s been fine for years when we’ve got a business to run and employees to manage?” Trust us, we understand that feeling! What if…
Welcome back! We’ve got a question for you: Do you know the difference between orientation and onboarding? If you don’t know, don’t worry! That’s what we’re going to be discussing in today’s blog post. If you do know, we hope you’ll stick around to learn a little bit more about why you need both! …